Dr Adam Kulaga is a Emergency Physician. Dr Adam Kulaga practices in Edmonton, AB. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Adam Kulaga has 299 views and 2 reviews. According to 4 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.00 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 8440 112 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2B7

2 reviews of “Dr Adam Kulaga”


    28 July 2021

    My mother came to emerg while this guy was working. She had a clearly broken finger as it was curved downward and she was unable to straighten it and was ina great deal of pain. In addition, she had a laceration on it. Doctor saw her for all of two seconds and said she was fine, didn’t even bother to order an xray. Had the nurse clean up the laceration, bandage it and send her home saying she would be fine. Fast forward to almost a month later, my mom’s finger is curved downward even worse and is still very painful. She goes to her family physician who orders xrays and guess what, her finger is broken! She now requires orthopedic surgery to correct it, which she wouldn’t have needed had it been properly looked at and cared for the first time she set foot in the ER department. Very unimpressed with the lack of adequate care provided to her. She trusted this man’s medical opinion and now is paying for his mistakes.

    Tracy Ballantyne

    7 November 2023

    I recently found myself in the ER excruciating pain in my skull and neck and completely unable to support or move my head at all. I was quickly registered and moved to a room. The Dr on call that evening (not Dr.K) assessed me for less than 30 seconds asking me very little about my state. Without any test or x-rays diagnosed me with severe arthritis. His treatment…anastetic nerve blocker injections four to the base of my skull (this did nothing for the agony I was in but freeze the top of my head) He advised me to go home heat the area and message often. I did just that. A few hours later I find myself back at the ER. After a 11.5 hour wait I finally see a Dr…Dr. Kulagan. He was very kind, patient, and considerate of my situation. He sent my for x-rays although he was quite certain they would be fine, but more to put me at ease. His diagnosis and treatment were bang on and within an hour of his treatment I was feeling so much better. He is a wonderful Dr and I cant thank him enough. The time I waited to see this Dr was worth every second.

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