Dr Adam Morawski

Dr Adam Morawski

Dr Adam Morawski is a Family Doctor, GP. Dr Adam Morawski practices in Calgary, AB. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Adam Morawski has 3,555 views and 5 reviews. According to 11 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.55 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address 4120-15 Sunpark Plaza SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2X 0M5
  • Practice name
  • Address 2077 42ND Ave W, Vancouver, BC, V6M 2B4, Canada

5 reviews of “Dr Adam Morawski”

    Alexandra Cowburn

    10 July 2021

    Dr. Morawski is patient, thorough and attentive. I have never felt rushed when dealing with him and he doesn’t forget to follow up.
    He remembers my medical history whenever we meet or talk and always checks to make sure my prescription is working for me still.
    I never feel judged and feel comfortable talking about anything with him.

    Miroslav Kurcik

    26 October 2021

    Doctor that wants to help you. He will listen to you and will not dismiss your pain. Helped me with chronic lower back pain. In one hour with Dr Adam Morawski I got more answers then in last 4 years from my old doctor who retired.

    Bill Mowatt

    23 February 2023

    I met with Dr. Morawski in an emergency situation, he took me on and I was very impressed, I wanted very much to have Adam as my family Dr. as my Dr. of 30 years retired his recommended replacement follwoign 4 years of visits chose to move out of Calgary..
    Adam Morawski accepted me as a patient, I was pleased with his services, Imagine Health got in the way, appointments.
    i.e. The Dr. called for a complete medical, In the midst of medical I was advised it was a driving medical, not complete medical. Imagine days later called advised, return for complete medical, only days later Imagine called again, come in for blood work on a different date than the scheduled medical. Why I asked? would I return for 3 visits when all necessary services normally are covered in one complete. I hand delivered a letter to Imagine Health they refused to call. Is there some method of piecing my relationship with Dr. Adam together I’d love to receive a visit call. 403 2567415. Bill

    William Mowatt

    5 October 2023

    Dr. Morawski, I’ve been trying very hard to reach you, I know you are sincere, very dedicated, I wish thre was a way I could talk to you just by phone. Please call if you will. Bill

    Brandee Wallace

    26 December 2023

    Dr Morowski is a very kind and thorough doctor who has been very caring; has helped me to realize that my health is important so I need to get things checked out and start taking my medications as needed.

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