Dr Ahmed Quateen

Dr Ahmed Quateen

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  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address Suite 2B, 800 King St. W., Kitchener ON N2G 1E8
  • Practice name Royal Alexander Hospital
  • Address ROYAL ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL, 10240 KINGSWAY NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5H 3V9

5 reviews of “Dr Ahmed Quateen”

    Kathleen ann Podhorny

    21 June 2021

    is he a good back sergon?

    Marlene Payne

    1 April 2022

    Dr, Quateen preformed my back surgery Dec 2019. Very kind in answering my questions. Surgery was a great success, I have no back pain, I would rate him as excellent!

    Marlene Payne

    1 April 2022

    I liked Dr Quateen very much. Compasionate, patient. He explained my procedure in terms I could completely understand, answering all my questions. He was also very hands on following my post surgery.


    29 July 2022

    This person did nothing for us. My husband had an anyersum back in oct 2021. After reading the reports of quanteen. He did feel my husband case was not severe enough to deal with. We tried countless times reaching out to his office with no availability returned phone calls nothing. I was beginning to think this guy was just a hoax. Well nov 2021 I almost lost my husband. Re brain bleed. This office failed our pleas, his response to his finding signified that it wasn’t as urgent as predicted I checked this guy on LinkedIn only to find his bragging rights of who he was and what capabilities he projected. I have no hold back on this incompetent human being and as per his office. It’s just a business nothing else. Part of our health system. Broken

    Nancy Cassidy

    9 January 2023

    Well this guy is unprofessional! Could not make head nor tails from the ahhhs and umms during my in office visit. Started off his useless secretary took 6 months to send mri requisition to hospital. And that was after I checked multiple times with bookings. Repeated calls no phone answered. She went so far to lie about it! Then finally get mri in June. Then had to repeatedly call to get appt to discuss findings. He ummmed, ahhhhhed so many times I could follow conversation. That was Oct 25, 2022. I have and my family doc have repeatedly asked for report from oct 25. Here we are Jan 09th 2023 and still no phone calls answered. Left multiple messages and my family doc repeatedly asked for report. What a complete unprofessional jerk! Oh his secretary is the absolute worst! And she lies! I will find a professional back doc. I will go out of town to a teaching hospital where doctors have half a brain! So pissed of living in pain!

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