Dr Anthony Akinnawonu

Dr Anthony Akinnawonu

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  • Gender Male

M.B.- B.S.

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  • Address 4733 49 ST, COMMUNITY ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, T4N 1T6

3 reviews of “Dr Anthony Akinnawonu”


    6 January 2022

    I have seen Dr Akkinawanu twice, on very very separate occasions. I am an ex transwoman, MtF, that has since just stopped for complicated and not good reasons. The first time i saw him i was in my transition. Around 2019. Very obviously living life similar to a woman, he made me feel very scared and nervous in his presence. He felt threatening and almost slightly dangerous. It felt as though being in my presence somehow disgusted and unnerved him based on his body language and demeanor. He was very direct and callous. He seemed to have no concept of there being more than one simple way things are with gender/sex/how a person is.
    He is very very vain, and he dresses more like the owner of a strip club while on doctors hours that a doctor. I mean, sure its classy, his outfit looks like it costs 2k at any given time. He flaunts his high end car and his success in the face of people sufferring unbearable internal pain, and dont want to know about his wealth.
    The second time i saw him was about 3 weeks ago. I had been brough in on a form, i was uoset but cooperating, and now at this point, essentially 100% detransitioned and looking male again. He was very very very slow to get to me even though the reason i brough in was heavily a misunderstanding, and that was made clear, but strangely when he arrived, the sense of disgust that i felt from him from the years before was gone. Instead he showed up in a designer hat and gold watch and black suit and was very jovial. He almost entirely glazed over anything. He was quick and reasonably nice to deal with….but he almost implied at one point that he was congratulating me for quitting my transition, like its something that i want to celebrate, and its not.

    I think Dr Akkinawanu has great potential for some patients in a similar macho, straight man straight way mindset, but as soon as you step away from that, you find that he is not a very parient or compatible doctor and i wonder if he has personal beliefs that affect his treatment and care.

    Derek Knight

    15 January 2022

    Dr. A is a nice guy. I like Dr. A’s attitude, he is a positive person also.
    When I have set boundaries to restrict access for my Doctors to not contact any family, and I do so for an important reason, as I have been an active NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIT since 2006, actually since Sept 11, 2001 every person who was watching the news and paying attention was actually and still actually is a NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIT. I had signed up for Canadian Forces as well a couple years before, I was unaware that I was an AMENSIAC from 1989 to December 2006, so that is quite the issue to face, and I have recovered so well. My therapist even tells me I am doing so well over and over, but my MAUNCHAUSEN by PROXY family are out of their minds, addicted to blaming me or attacking my mental health to make themselves feel okay or whatever their issue.

    Dr. A is a great doctor, I hope he remains my doctor, as I had to cancel a recent appointment with him as I had exposed a number of crimes recently online on twitter and linked in. That is NATIONAL DEFENSE RESPONSIBILITIES I am legally obligated to uphold. So I cancelled the appointment cause that is smart and safe. But my mom calls him and gets him all stirred up and worried and they threaten mental health warrants when I was never a threat to myself or others, infact I have helped so many people and am a great example of active citizenship.

    ADDICTION TO BEING IN CONTROL is what all of us face with MENTAL HEALTH WARRANTS that are totally bogus.
    I was never a threat to myself or others ever. I have been relentlessly attacked all my life.

    John Doe

    27 May 2023

    Instantly pushes medication on you, and is impossible to get ahold of regarding refills.

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