Dr Atyab Syed is a General Internal Medicine Doctor (GIM), Gastroenterologist. Dr Atyab Syed practices in Brampton, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English, Panjabi/Punjabi, Urdu. Dr Atyab Syed has 759 views and 1 review. According to 7 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.43 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 207 - 10 Cottrelle Blvd, Brampton ON L6S 0E2
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  • Address 5734 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor, Toronto ON M2M 4E7, Canada

One review of “Dr Atyab Syed”


    16 October 2021

    After visiting this Dr, multiple follow up tests were required, which took over a year to complete due to the incompetent staff forgetting to send referrals and set up tests. Dr Syed doesn’t seem to recognize the less common symptoms and dismisses patient concerns. The anaesthesiologist woke me up before the colonoscopy was over. That was unpleasant! Stay away from his clinic.

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