Dr Behrooz Azizi

Dr Behrooz Azizi

Dr Behrooz Azizi is a Ophthalmologist. Dr Behrooz Azizi practices in Barrie, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English, Farsi. Dr Behrooz Azizi has 2,720 views and 4 reviews. According to 8 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.50 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address 441 Huronia Rd, Behrooz Azizi, Barrie Ocular Surgery, Barrie ON L4N 9B3
  • Practice name
  • Address 1 Quarry Ridge Road, LL6, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 7G1

4 reviews of “Dr Behrooz Azizi”

    Chris Toye

    7 March 2021

    My husband went to see the doctor in February. He was very kind and helpful. Would not hesitate to see him again and highly recommend him. He followed up when most doctors would not have bothered.

    George elliott

    3 March 2022

    I am very pleased to be able to see well again.
    Good job, will return for second eye.

    Robert Sanders

    7 December 2022

    Not impressed! He refused to attend to my vision problems because he said “I was just fishing for information”. Apparently I am not allowed to seek advice from other qualified eye surgeons.!

    Lesley Thompson

    11 January 2023

    Dr Azizi was very professional, super kind and very caring. He took his time in explaining to me all about my cataract and the surgery needed.
    I highly recommend him to treat any eye problems you may have.

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