Dr Bo Li

Dr Bo Li

Dr Bo Li is a Ophthalmologist. Dr Bo Li practices in London, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Bo Li has 1,175 views and 2 reviews. According to 2 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 5.00 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 268 Grosvenor Street, Division of Ophthalmology, St Joseph's Health Care London, London ON N6A 4V2

2 reviews of “Dr Bo Li”

    Donna and Glen Greb

    12 September 2023

    Very happy with the results of mine and my husbands cateract surgery. We recommend Dr Bo Li as a very knowledgeable cateract surgeon and we love his new facility at Westmount Mall in London Ontario. We give him 5/5 review.

    Gary simpson

    15 October 2023

    Met Dr. Li first at Ivey centre, London, had my first eye exam. Measurements were taken at the Westmont facility and next visit was for cataract surgery on both eyes, same day. Return visit revealed both eyes had 20/20 vision. Staff were all very knowledgeable and facility was state of art. A telephone call a couple weeks later to confirm there were no problems. All and all a very good experience and would recommend Dr. Li to anyone needing eye surgery.

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