Dr Brent Guy is a General Internal Medicine Doctor (GIM), Pulmonary Medicine Specialist, Respirologist. Dr Brent Guy practices in Waterloo, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Brent Guy has 1,914 views and 5 reviews. According to 17 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.53 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 435 The Boardwalk, Suite 304, Waterloo ON N2T 0C2

5 reviews of “Dr Brent Guy”


    6 September 2022

    I’ve never met a doctor as disinterested in his patients as Dr. Guy. His parents paying for his med school abroad unfortunately doesn’t result in him being a decent doctor.

    sharon deslauriers

    20 October 2022

    My father-in-law saw Dr Guy for increasing shortness of breath with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. I accompanied him to the appointment. Dr Guy was thoroughly professional and knowledgeable. He systematically laid out the possibilities of what the root cause was and then a treatment plan. He speaks in plain language and is easy to follow. He welcomes questions. He demonstrated a caring, concerned attitude. So much was accomplished and organized that day. I found the staff very helpful and eager to help as we had to get in to see Dr Guy in an urgent situation.
    One of the best doctors I have ever seen and I completely trust him in his care of my father-in-law

    Dorothy Byrne-Jones

    7 March 2023

    I have suffered with persistent coughing for over one year. While my family physician attempted to identify the cause all tests and medications have not go to the root cause. I waited several months to see Dr. Guy and finally got an appointment. Dr Guy reviewed quickly what I have experienced and quickly outlined what he would recommend. He was attentive to what I had to say and answered my questions. I look forward to getting answers and a solution to my situation. Dr Guy put my apprehensions at ease.

    David & Donna Culver

    5 April 2023

    Dr Guy is currently treating my wife for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Dr Guy is first class, caring and informative. He enrolled my wife in the pulmonary fibrosis program, and arranged testing, medications and eagerly answers all your questions. We have 100% faith in Dr Guy and his passion as a great respirologist! Dr Guy has a great sense of humour and speaks clearly in terms we can easily understand. The staff at the rehab program also speak highly of him as well. He follows up with his patients and keeps you feeling you are in good hands despite the seriousness of this lung disease. My wife Donna and I love and appreciate Dr Guy. He’s a top notch Doctor.


    23 January 2024

    Dr. Guy is an excellent Dr. He went above and beyond for me. I appreciate all he does and would recommend him to anyone in a heartbeat. He has a great sense of humour and is very straight forward. I am lucky to have him.

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