Dr Cam Jeffrey

Dr Cam Jeffrey

Dr Cam Jeffrey is a General Surgeon. Dr Cam Jeffrey practices in Fort St John, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Cam Jeffrey has 1,288 views and 4 reviews. According to 6 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.00 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Address SS 2, SITE 6 COMP 15 LCD MAIN, FORT ST. JOHN, BC, V1J 4M7
  • Practice name
  • Address 8407 112 Ave, Fort St. John BC V1J 0J5

4 reviews of “Dr Cam Jeffrey”


    24 May 2021

    Has patients in pain wait months for surgery!!! Disgraceful.


    8 June 2022

    Terrible bedside manner! Does not care about patients at all! Leaves them suffering for days because she’s on a holiday or decides when she feels like she can make it in! It’s very sad she is the only towns surgeon so she can behave that way! Wonder how many people have died because of her!


    11 March 2023

    I found Dr Jeffrey to be very kind and compassionate. Her bedside manner with us was very professional and caring. I have no complaints with Dr Jeffrey at all. In fact I appreciate her very much. We are very lucky to have a surgeon here. I can appreciate that being the only surgeon that she needs to take care of herself as well so she doesn’t burn out. Those of you who complain about the wait times should not blame Dr Jeffrey but rather direct your complaints to your MP and MLA to get more help.

    Marc T

    23 November 2023

    Doc J was great to handle my case
    Wait time well is part of being a northern resident!

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