Dr Carrie Lynde

Dr Carrie Lynde

Dr Carrie Lynde is a Dermatologist. Dr Carrie Lynde practices at Lynde Institute For Dermatology in Markham, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Carrie Lynde has 735 views and 1 review. According to 2 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.00 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name Lynde Institute For Dermatology
  • Address Lynde Institute For Dermatology, 25 Main Street North, Markham ON L3P 1X3

One review of “Dr Carrie Lynde”


    5 May 2021

    I visited Dr.Carrie Lynde in her clinic at 25 North Markham ONT on May 04, 2021.After a wait of one month’s appointment.
    I was astonishingly disappointed how the Doctor took just less than 5 minutes and asked me to continue my Allergist’s prescription. Lynde, a dermatologist didn’t even bother to see my skin anywhere on my body, no checkibg of blood pressure, no bheartbeat, didn’t ask my medical history, she didn’t even bother to ask me what kind of medicines I am already taking.
    The clinic was so busy that it didn’t look like a doctor’s office but a busy shopping store where patients in flocks were moving around in n out and doctors, nurses and attendants were trying to get ” rid” of patients as quickly as possible.
    In my 26 years in Canada( I am 72 but a physically very strong) I have never seen such a butchery as as Doctor Lynde’s office. Its not a doctor’s office but busy shopping store and the owners are in rush yo make as much money as they could.
    Looks like Lynde family business is backed by some big bosses in the government who have pat on their back to carrying slaughtering as much animal as Lynde(s) could do.
    What a shameful experience???
    May 05, 2021

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