Dr Catherine Conlin

Dr Catherine Conlin

Dr Catherine Conlin is a Orthopedic Surgeon. Dr Catherine Conlin practices in Lindsay, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Catherine Conlin has 2,788 views and 2 reviews. According to 19 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.74 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 86 Angeline St S, Suite 202D, Lindsay ON K9V 6C5

2 reviews of “Dr Catherine Conlin”

    Alana Biasi

    15 December 2021

    I have tried to get in touch with her for 3 months. She gave me a cortisone shot IN sept 2020 and told me to call the fracture clinic when I needed another one, but neglected to tell me there was a 1 year time limit…I learned that from the fracture clinic staff.. they told me to call Dr. CONLINS office and they would get in touch with the fracture clinic… Well, NOBODY from her office has made the effort to pick up the phone and call me.I’ve been trying since Sept to get through..
    DONT WASTE YOUR TIME on this doctor. She can’t even return a phone call that would take less than 5 minutes…I’ll have to find somebody a little more conscientious than that I guess.


    15 January 2022

    I had bunion surgery in 2021. The bone was shaved, ligaments cut between first and second toe and a plate/screw put in on the top of the foot to stabilize it. Post op it went fine, although after 8 weeks of no weight bearing the toe slowly starting shifting and is now the same as before the surgery plus terrible chronic pain. I asked why it reverted back and what could be done and Dr said I must be in the 10% that fail. This wasn’t properly explained pre surgery.

    I had a cat scan and she said she would refer me to another surgeon since she is now pregnant. I tried reaching the office everyday for 2 weeks, calling multiple times and it just goes to voicemail. Finally got through and the secretary was full of excuses. Now booked with another surgeon for a consult as I will now need a second surgery to fix this mess. It is now chronically painful every day and had I known this was a risk I wouldn’t have had it done in the first place.

    I would encourage anyone to seek a second opinion if you require surgery as if there is a problem it is very difficult to follow up.

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