Dr Cheryl Lee

Dr Cheryl Lee

Dr Cheryl Lee is a Obstetrician, Gynecologist. Dr Cheryl Lee practices in Kitchener, ON and Grand River Hospital in Kitchener, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Cheryl Lee has 3,976 views and 5 reviews. According to 11 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.55 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name
  • Address 564 Belmont Ave W, Unit 206, Kitchener ON N2M 5N6
  • Practice name Grand River Hospital
  • Address Grand River Hospital, 835 King St W, Kitchener ON N2G 1G3, Canada

5 reviews of “Dr Cheryl Lee”

    Connie MCann

    22 November 2020

    Best doctor ever. Friendly, interested, knowledgeable, and caring. Wish all my doctors were like her.


    29 March 2021

    delivered my son via c section , BEST ob out there

    Tammy MacFarlane

    14 January 2022

    Dr. Lee is an amazing, kind and compassionate doctor. She answered all my questions and treated me with kindness and respect. My surgery couldn’t have gone any better and I thank her for her expertise and care! Dr. Lee’s office assistant, Samantha, is also very kind and compassionate and extremely helpful! I would highly recommend Dr. Lee and her team for your OBGYN!!

    Mohammad Haseeb

    2 May 2022

    Dr. Lee is an amazing OB who is very caring, friendly and knowledgeable. My wife had her for both of our sons and she listened to her questions and concerns very carefully and always gave the best possible advice. The office staff is also very friendly and easy to work with for booking, cancelling appointments. I would highly recommend her.


    13 December 2023

    Dr Lee is very kind and compassionate. Her receptionist Samantha is extremely rude, sarcastic and argumentative to the point of being hurtful. People are dealing with all sorts of health issues and a little kindness goes a long way.

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