Dr Chidi Chima

Dr Chidi Chima

Dr Chidi Chima is a Psychiatrist. Dr Chidi Chima practices in Edmonton, AB. The doctor speaks fluent English, Igbo. Dr Chidi Chima has 2,655 views and 1 review. According to 38 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 2.97 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address 9499 137 Ave NW, Northgate Mall, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5E 5R8

One review of “Dr Chidi Chima”


    24 November 2021

    I don’t do reviews even for my shopping but I thought I have to leave a review for Dr Chima. Pleasant to talk to, easy to get along with, knowledgeable and has been VERY helpful. I was afraid to see a psychiatrist but my experience with him calmed my fears. He talks to you like a human being – very respectful and listens to whatever I have to say. He is however a straight shooter and does not avoid telling me the truth. I don’t know where I could have been in terms of my mental health without his support. He is a good man and a great doctor.

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