Dr Ching Yu

Dr Ching Yu

Dr Ching Yu is a Psychiatrist. Dr Ching Yu practices in Vernon, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English, Cantonese, Mandarin. Dr Ching Yu has 943 views and 3 reviews. According to 5 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.20 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address Vernon Health Unit - Department of Psychiatry, 1440 14 Ave, Vernon, BC, V1B 2T1, Canada

3 reviews of “Dr Ching Yu”


    19 April 2022

    Very nice; patient and understanding- goes out of his way to help you- Vernon is lucky to have him

    michelle lamborn

    15 January 2023

    i recently went to dr yu for a problem with him setting me up with another doctor trying to pass me under a review board as incapable and i was very capable to have it come out the other side as real i did not appreciate the candor and i now have all my rights back and am not consenting to any more assaults with needles i explained what had happened and since ive healed and any diseases have set in i no longer need his services or his drugs thank you mr yu you really are a life saver

    Rose Carnegie

    16 March 2023

    Vernon Dr. Ching Yu Psychiatrist is one of the best Dr’s you guys have. He cares soo much about everyone he barley takes time for himself. Hopefully he does get time off to enjoy himself he deserves it! I’m proud of my psychiatrist he’s the most amazing person ever. Also the most caring and compassionate Dr I’ve ever met !!!

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