Dr Christine Keng

Dr Christine Keng

Dr Christine Keng is a General Surgeon, Colorectal Surgeon. Dr Christine Keng practices in Maple, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English, French. Dr Christine Keng has 1,472 views and 1 review. According to 7 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.14 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 10083 Keele Street, Suite 200, Maple ON L6A 3Y8

One review of “Dr Christine Keng”


    8 March 2021

    I had a very positive experience with Dr Christine Keng. She did her best to get me the best care possible, and explained the procedure very well. A very positive aspect that I experienced is that she took time for the emotional impact of surgery as well, and she called me personally after the successful procedure as well.

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