Dr David Ward

Dr David Ward

  • Language
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address Geriatric Psychiatry, Mount St. Joseph Hospital, 1 South, 3080 Prince Edward St, Vancouver, BC, V5T 3N4
  • Practice name
  • Address Cambie Older Adult Mental Health and Substance Use Team, 200-4088 Cambie St, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 2X8

One review of “Dr David Ward”


    31 August 2023

    He violated my privacy by accessing records without my permission, and he decided to give me a test for dementia even though there is nothing wrong with me and there was no question of my competence.That was not the reason for seeing him I was there to see if an antidepressant would be helpful for my grief. It was not. I felt very violated and uncomfortable with the whole setup.

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