- Gender Male
About Dr Dennis Kreptul
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Practice in Calgary, AB
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- Address 1213 4 ST SW, SHELDON CHUMIR CENTRE 8TH FL, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2R 0X7
- City Calgary, AB
- Province Alberta
• 31 May 2022When I started seeing Dr.Dennis Kreptul he took a biopsy of a mole. He cut it and covered it. I felt very uncomfortable with him doing this. When I took off the bandaid blood gushed out like crazy! He apologized when I saw him next.
More recently, while he was still working at the 8th floor of Sheldon Chumir, he told me to take 1,200 mg of calcium. I took 1,000 and then I had chest pains. I went to see a Functional GP, who did some tests on me, and I had too much calcium in my blood, which could have resulted in a heart attack and/or stroke.
Dr. Kreptul was and is absolutely incompetent.