- Phone 289-844-7600
- Gender Male
About Dr Earl Nussbaum
MDCM, FRCP Cardiology, FACC
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Cardiology Consultation office (Dr. Earl Nussbaum and others) and State of-the-Art Cardiology Testing Center offering the full selection of Cardiac testing including enhanced and un-enhanced, 2d and 3d Echocardiography, Treadmill Stress testing, Treadmill Stress Echocardiography, Strain imaging, Holter monitoring (24hr- 4wk), ECG, ambulatory Blood pressure monitoring. Endocrinology Consultation office (Dr. Debrah Singer). Diabetes, Thyroid, Lipid disorders, Osteoporosis, and other. Integrative Cardiology and Endocrinology consultation and ongoing care.
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Practice in Markham, ON
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- Address 600 Alden Rd, Suite 610, Markham ON L3R 0E7
- City Markham, ON
- Province Ontario