Dr Elendu Okoronkwo

Dr Elendu Okoronkwo

  • Language
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name Health Sciences North
  • Address Health Sciences North, 680 Kirkwood Drive, Sudbury ON P3E 1X3
  • Practice name
  • Address 127 CEDAR STREET, Sudbury ON P3E 1B1, Canada

One review of “Dr Elendu Okoronkwo”

    Denise A.

    31 March 2023

    Was assigned at HSN for acute anxiety, sleep deprivation. This physician definitely has a God complex and needs to practice his active listening skills. Was berated and told that anxiety was caused by an Epilepsy diagnosis and refused to recognize or acknowledge that the anxiety preceded the Epilepsy by many years. Left the room saying another psychiatrist may be able to help but not if fear of Epilepsy was not recognized as the primary cause of anxiety disorder. Even the head nurse acknowledged that many patients find him difficult to work with. DO BETTER DR.O

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