Dr Emily Baker

Dr Emily Baker

Dr Emily Baker is a Obstetrician, Gynecologist. Dr Emily Baker practices in St Catharines, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Emily Baker has 1,607 views and 1 review. According to 3 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.33 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 300G Fourth Ave, GROW Niagara Health, St Catharines ON L2S 0E6

One review of “Dr Emily Baker”

    Shelley Robinson

    1 November 2023

    Unfortunately I would not recommend Dr.Baker to anyone. I recently had a procedure done by Dr. Baker at the hospital and had complications. Complications happen. I understand this. They explain this. However, the treatment I received after by Dr.Baker and her office after was appalling. I was told to call the office if I experienced pain and needed more medication or had significant bleeding. I called and spoke to a secretary over a week ago (who passed on the message to Dr.Baker) and have not heard from her or her office since. I had an infection which required antibiotics , a prescription was given by my family doctor to slow bleeding and the perforation I recieved by Dr.Baker was not closed all the way (why I was losing so much blood) so my family doctor corrected that. I was bleeding heavily and in tremendous pain and received no medical help from Dr.Baker.

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