Dr Eric Payne

Dr Eric Payne

Dr Eric Payne is a Pediatrician, Neurologist. Dr Eric Payne practices in Calgary, AB. The doctor speaks fluent English, French. Dr Eric Payne has 2,059 views and 6 reviews. According to 23 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.35 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 971 64 Ave NE, Suite # 215, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2E 7Z4

6 reviews of “Dr Eric Payne”

    Kara Frankum

    26 January 2021

    Dr Payne made the news of our son diagnosed with epilepsy more comforting assuring us that we could get it under control. He was always willing to answer any questions (we had a lot) that we had. I would highly reccomend him for pediatric neurology services.


    22 September 2021

    Everyone should support this doctor in his request to keep his job without taking a forced vaccine.

    Lisa J

    22 September 2021

    Many of the adverse reactions from this vaccine are vestibular related, and I fully support Dr. Payne in questioning the efficacy, and safety, since his domain is neurological. I stand with him, in standing up for our basic right to choose. Takes a lot of guts to go against the grain.

    Don Blood

    24 September 2021



    6 October 2021

    I fully support Dr. Eric Payne. I also have concerns about the lack of long term safety. To be cautious and question safety is NOT anti-science. Science can only be advanced through questioning. Science has problems when the people promoting the vary vaccine is the people who have huge benefits from it and they are the only people allowed to speak. People with natural immunity and even people who have had the Delta already are forced to be vaccinated.


    7 November 2021

    I agree that, “Any medical procedure performed on a patient without their informed consent amounts to assault” I support your fight over mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy

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