Dr Fatima Taboun

Dr Fatima Taboun

Dr Fatima Taboun is a Obstetrician, Gynecologist. Dr Fatima Taboun practices at South Walkerville Medical Centre in Windsor, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Fatima Taboun has 768 views and 2 reviews. According to 5 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 2.60 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name South Walkerville Medical Centre
  • Address South Walkerville Medical Centre, Suite 340, 2224 Walker Road, Windsor ON N8W 5L7

2 reviews of “Dr Fatima Taboun”


    13 October 2022

    BEWARE OF THIS UNETHICAL DOCTOR. She secretly stripped my membranes in the 39 week appointment. This caused my water to break within 1 hour of seeing her. I went into labor but couldn’t progress and ended up having a c-section. My body wasn’t ready and for sure needed another week to deliver my baby. I feel so violated. She took away my opportunity of vaginally delivering my baby and traumatized me forever.


    12 July 2023

    Dr. Taboun is the worst. Her staff are incompetent. My wife has been waiting for weeks for a CT scan to be scheduled so she can finally start her cancer treatments. The hospital finally called us today, and informed us they’ve been trying to contact us for the last THREE WEEKS, but Dr. Taboun gave them the wrong phone number. Dr. Taboun only has one phone number for us, so how the heck could you get it wrong? She has set my wife’s cancer treatment back by nearly a month because of this incompetence. If you value your health, do not see this doctor.

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