Dr Giulio Dominelli is a General Internal Medicine Doctor (GIM), Pulmonary Medicine Specialist, Respirologist. Dr Giulio Dominelli practices in Kelowna, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Giulio Dominelli has 3,030 views and 3 reviews. According to 13 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.85 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address Okanagan Lung Centre, 204-1835 Gordon Dr, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3H5, Canada

3 reviews of “Dr Giulio Dominelli”

    Francois Joseph Pitre

    13 March 2022

    Hi there, my name is Francois Joseph Pitre. I live in nelson and have been a patient of Dr. Dominelli for over 2 years now. I am in the process of moving back to my home town which is Bathurst, New-Brunswick. I plan on being there around July 1st hopefully the fires will not be so bad at that point! Anyhow Dr. Dominelli told me that once I knew the place that I will be moving to and when he wanted me to let his office know of the where and when of my move.Hopefully this will get to him successfully. Thank you for your time…cheers!
    Francois Joseph Pitre,

    Francois Joseph Pitre

    20 August 2022

    I have seen Dr. Dominelli a number of times and he has been such a reasuring experience when I would meet with him. Very knowledgeble doctor.Nothing but good to say about the man!!!

    Marni Murray

    15 September 2023

    I saw this Dr after a lung collapse following a broncoscopy in kelowna General hospital and he was insensitive and unprofessional. He was the on call Dr on rounds while I was in recovery and brought up test results with visitors present, never once checked my breathing or drainage tube, or bandage. Stood at the foot of my bed with arms folded across his chest like he was miserable being there. When he tried to discharge me 4 hours after removing my drainage tube and i expressed that i would be more comfortable remaining for an additional night just in csse, he acted like he was annoyed and like I was personally inconveniencing him on a weekend. When i expressed that i was 40 mins away from the hospital and had no help as my support had returned home based on previous dr saying i would be held for 24 hours after tube removal, his snide response was “thats what ambulances are for”. On day of discharge, I was still sleeping when he came in and he was rude in his manner of waking a patient – he was loud calling my name and within 5 seonds of opening my eyes asked me if i was in pain, how i was breathing and how i was feeling – how does one assess those things within seconds of opeing their eyes? He offered absolutely zero aftercare instructions other than no flying, no advice for follow up, what to watch for at home [if anything], no instructions about return to activities [i went home thinking i could return to normal workouts but quickly found myself short of breath and so extremely fatigued i sleot for 36 hours straight], no comments about potential withdrawal effects of being on a high dose of hydromorph for 7 days, when to remove bandage – nothing and his discharge papers also had no instructions. Nurses were not impressed with the fact he had not gone over my release other than to say “we’re getting you out of here this morning”.

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