Dr Gladys Chan

Dr Gladys Chan

Dr Gladys Chan is a Orthopedic Surgeon. Dr Gladys Chan practices in North York, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Gladys Chan has 552 views and 2 reviews. According to 5 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 2.40 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 240 Duncan Mill Rd, North York ON M3B 3S6

2 reviews of “Dr Gladys Chan”


    10 April 2022

    I have had two surgeries done by Dr. Chan and honestly I wouldn’t recommend her. If you want a good surgeon, take your time looking them up and read the reviews.
    After the second surgery which was to fix a bunion and repair a slight hammer toe, I was not to see her for three weeks. I ended up in NY Emergency in pain. The Doctor removed the bandages and at that point my foot was full of tiny blisters and red. She cleaned off the foot and rewrapped it. I had left a message at her office on the same day which was a Sunday. The secretary called me on Monday and advised me the Dr. would see me as scheduled.
    Later that week I went to the Fracture Clinic to see her and when she removed the bandages her eyes widened. She told the nurse to start an IV immediately. I asked her if I was going to lose my foot and she hesitated and replied, I don’t think so. She arranged Homecare for me, sent me home and asked that I send her pictures of my foot after the weekend. This was our new way of communicating.
    Homecare came for two weeks, then I was put on Oral antibiotics for another 6. When I finally went into her office she said, I was really worried you were going to lose your foot. Thankfully my son was with me at the time. I’m not sure how I would have reacted to that.
    She really doesn’t go over things very well, in fact, I felt quite hurried by her.
    I think that both Dr. Chan and her secretary should think about the way they treat their patients.
    You may have to wait longer to see another surgeon but as the saying goes. anything good is worth waiting for.


    12 May 2023

    I had an appointment booked with her regarding my foot that I fractured a year ago, and it was the worst appointment I’ve been to. I was advised to show up early so the doctor wasn’t rushed seeing me. I showed up 20 minutes early, was seen right away and my appointment lasted no more than 5 minutes and was out of there way before my appointment time even started. She was very rude and told me there’s nothing she or anyone can do. My foot has been in so much pain and it’s affecting my daily life, including my business so she advised me to leave my business and get a new career. She also laughed at me when I explained to her my concerns and what I do for pain management since I no longer want to rely on only meds after taking them for most of this past year which don’t seem to be helping anymore. She didn’t explain anything other then that it could take years to heal so I should just take two extra strength tylenol every 6 hours until my foot is better and left the office. Very disappointed and shocked at her response and lack of care.

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