Dr Graciela Perez

Dr Graciela Perez

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  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name Ontario Shores Centre for Mental
  • Address Ontario Shores Centre for Mental, Health Sciences, 700 Gordon Street, Whitby ON L1N 5S9

4 reviews of “Dr Graciela Perez”

    John Oeman

    2 October 2021

    Horrible doctor. Completely abusive.

    She told me multiple times that I am going to die alone and that I deserved it. I was under her care for a month in which I reported 10+ sexual assaults none of which were followed up upon. She told me it was my fault and that I had a “flirty personality”.

    I had to watch some of my best friends put in restraints on the daily. I was only a child when I witnessed this. She told me she would rather and that it’s “easier” to put a patient in restraints than engage with the patient in a therapeutic environment.
    All the staff in the Adolescent Mental Health Unit at Ontario Shores have made remarks indicating her medical and social incompetence.

    I am in the process of filing legal complaints against her.

    Renee Deconcilys

    2 October 2021

    I work for her and she is very unprofessional.


    2 October 2021

    Mean person. I don’t know how she still has a job.


    2 October 2021

    I witnessed her manipulate a patient for months.

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