Dr Hamid Izadi

Dr Hamid Izadi

Dr Hamid Izadi is a General Surgeon. Dr Hamid Izadi practices in Abbotsford, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English, Persian (Farsi). Dr Hamid Izadi has 3,115 views and 5 reviews. According to 20 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.40 out of 5.
  • Language
    Persian (Farsi)
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address 2168 McCallum Rd Unit 3, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 6R6

5 reviews of “Dr Hamid Izadi”

    Beverley V Evans

    10 January 2021

    I am pre surgery and Dr Izadi has the best bedside manner. He answers all my questions and even offered for me to call anytime before my surgery this month, if I had any other questions. His answers are precise and informative and easily understood. He really makes this process relaxed and almost stress free. I feel confident that I have the best or one of the best surgeons in Abbotsford. I will revisit here post surgery.
    Bev E. – Abbotsford


    10 March 2021

    My daughter (16 years old) had surgery on Monday at 4am, Dr. Izadi called me at 4:30am as soon as the procedure was done and reassured me that everything went well and she was doing great. He has the most amazing bedside manner of any doctor that I have ever encountered. He spoke directly to my 16 year old pre-surgery and made sure that she was totally comfortable, answered any questions and just made her feel totally at ease. An absolute amazing man and Dr.

    Paul Vincent Stephenson

    18 August 2022

    Dr Izadi opened me up after 2 failed colonoscopies and inability to perform laposcopic surgery 😢. He had to find a.fistula as my bladder pressurized making urination fun
    He found it plus a segmoid disection was done
    My bladder was stuck to mj colon
    5 hours later he was done.you know a.food surgeon when things go poorly
    I was.very impressed and happy .I can say great surgeon after a ďificult task.

    georgina Hartley

    3 January 2023

    Dr. Izadi gave me my life back with his surgical expertise. I had an obstruction of the bowel. Dr. Izadi was kind, informative and extremely patient. my only complaint was that I had to wait 18 months for the surgery because of Covid, backlogs, staffing problems,etc
    I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dr. Izadi.

    Richard Lane Fellardeau

    18 October 2023

    Excellent Doctor! His receptionist Pia is very helpful!

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