Dr Helen Yang is a Obstetrician, Gynecologist. Dr Helen Yang practices in Aurora, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English, Korean. Dr Helen Yang has 1,387 views and 4 reviews. According to 6 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 2.33 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 205-372 Hollandview Trail, Aurora ON L4G 0A5

4 reviews of “Dr Helen Yang”


    17 July 2022

    I was originally under midwife care, but after my pregnancy became high risk, I was transferred to Dr. Yang’s care. I was nervous to switch to an OB, but I had a truly excellent experience with her! I felt completely heard and respected and empowered to make the right decisions for me. I never felt pressured into anything I wasn’t comfortable with. She was on time for every appointment and took the time to answer all my questions so I didn’t feel rushed. My scheduled c-section went very smoothly. I highly recommend her!


    15 April 2023

    Had her as my OB during my first pregnancy and she also delivered my baby. Every visit she rushed to get me out of her office and zero bedside manner after delivering my baby. I was rushed into hospital and she was the doctor on call afterwards and supposed to visit and discharge me but didn’t even bother to spend a few minutes to do that — asked the nurse over the phone for my status and discharged by phone. Zero care. Was not provided with proper post-partum care as a result. She seems competent and knowledgeable but if you’re looking for a doctor who will treat you as a person and not a number, please don’t request her as your OB. You absolutely will be in and out in 2 mins, and that’s the extent of anything you will get in your birthing experience as well. Just no empathy or care whatsoever.


    12 February 2024

    Went in for a pretty traumatic gyn issue and was treated horribly. She may be competent and knowledgeable, but she is pushy and makes you feel really awful about yourself if you disagree with her and/or don’t go through with a procedure.


    15 February 2024

    I felt very strong pain when she began the procedure and asked her to stop for a moment while I got my bearings. She immediately became rude about it! Absolutely not professional. I opted not to continue the procedure. Later she advised me to start taking hormonal birth control pills, I explained my reasons why I’d prefer not to and instead of suggesting alternatives she replied with “… so you don’t want to solve the problem?” Unbelievable.

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