Dr Idris Alausa

Dr Idris Alausa

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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 105A-400 Dundas St E, Mississauga ON L5A 1X5
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  • Address 1-1104 Fennell Ave E, Hamilton ON L8T 1R9, Canada

One review of “Dr Idris Alausa”


    23 May 2022

    Not happy with this doctor. Does not phone when follow up is set up, sat at home all night waiting for is phone call. I don’t think this Doctor really cares, he did not do a proper physical, failed to take blood pressure and I have heart problems. Now my kidneys are failing, and all he did was tell me to drink more water, and now I’m anemic. I am changing doctors to someone that cares and does his job.

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