Dr Jennifer Baird

Dr Jennifer Baird

Dr Jennifer Baird is a Family Doctor, GP. Dr Jennifer Baird practices in Edmonton, AB. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Jennifer Baird has 573 views and 2 reviews. According to 10 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.70 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female


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  • Address 5540 Windermere Blvd NW, Unit 212, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6W 2Z8

2 reviews of “Dr Jennifer Baird”


    27 March 2022

    I’ve had a handful of appointments with Dr. Baird that were fine. But the last appointment that I had, I came in with questions about the IUD after contemplating switching off of my birth control pills. I was not impressed with the lack of explanation that I received, and was surprised by her attitude. One should be able to come to their doctor with questions and not feel belittled. I was left feeling very annoyed and frustrated. Please do better at explaining hormonal contraceptives, especially given the effects it has on our bodies, and the minimal explanation and knowledge that most women have on these issues.


    31 July 2023

    Dr. J. Baird is the worst physician I have ever had. I inherited her because my physician went on maternity leave and was pursuing greater pastures in her career. Dr. J. Baird attitude toward me is very belittling and aggressive. Her patient centred care is lacking. Her communication skill is bad. Her solutions to things seems to be extreme and does not consider what I am comfortable with in terms of women’s health. She only seems to want me to book an appointment and talk about the same concern and do blood work over and over again. She stressed me out during my pregnancy. Thank God I had a great OB who helped me through my pregnancy and ensured I had a safe deliver. Hence I didn’t want her to be my daughter physician. My last encounter with her showed me this is not a physician I want taking care of my medical needs nor she is someone I will recommend to anyone. I was close to reporting her to the college of physicians and surgeons due to her lack of patient centred care and attitude. I am also a medical practitioner and I don’t treat my patients or anyone looking to clarify information about their health as the way she does me. I truly miss my prior physician. She is the best. Only if J. Baird would have learnt from her predecessor.

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