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About Dr Jesse Christiansen
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Practice in Innisfail, AB
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- Address 128-4804 50 ST, Innisfail, Alberta, Canada, T4G 1C2
- City Innisfail, AB
- Province Alberta
• 16 December 2022Unsure if the Doctor is just incompetent or just doesn’t care at all. Where are zero stars. Brought my spouse in for a check up for ongoing chest pain and after the nurse told her she’s due to be check for diabetics, cholesterol etc. took family Hx and said she would need bloodwork. Due to age and family Hx. That was all good.
Then Dr. Christiansen comes in, basically off in his own little world and then say the chest pain is probably from acid reflux but “it doesn’t make sense”. Here’s an Rx for an antacid. If that doesn’t work then you should come back. How about do some blood work that you should have done anyways but didn’t. So I’m all there’s no bloodwork done for anything and no ECG. Couldn’t even be bothered to order bloodwork that the nurse on staff even suggested rightly so.
So I’d really like to know. Is Dr. Jesse Christiansen really that incompetent or does he just not care at all.