- Gender Female
About Dr Jessica Dobyns
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Practice in Peterborough, ON
- Practice name
- Address 1 Hospital Dr, Rapid Access Addictions Medicine Cl, Mental Health and Addictions, 360 George st North, Peterborough ON K9J 7C6
- City Peterborough, ON
- Province Ontario
Practice in Peterborough, ON
- Practice name
- Address 1 Hospital Dr, Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Metabolic Clinic, Mental Health and, Peterborough ON K9J 7C6, Canada
- City Peterborough, ON
- Province Ontario
• 3 November 2024Hi, my name is John David Stewart Parker and my wife Peggie and I were once Dr Dobyns patience until she closed her practice. We were both very impressed and thought she was a great physician for us and always look after us.
We are very happy with Dr Nichols, however we were glad to hear that Dr Dobyns is practicing again.
Thank you Dr Dobyns for your excellent care to us while we were patients.