Dr Joy Ding

Dr Joy Ding

Dr Joy Ding is a Neurologist. Dr Joy Ding practices at Penticton Regional Hospital in Penticton, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English, Mandarin. Dr Joy Ding has 1,901 views and 4 reviews. According to 12 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.33 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name Penticton Regional Hospital
  • Address Penticton Regional Hospital, 550 Carmi Ave, Penticton, BC, V2A 3G6, Canada

4 reviews of “Dr Joy Ding”

    Angela Wood

    25 November 2020

    Great experience with Dr. Ding. Very efficient and knowledgeable.

    Todd Pace

    18 December 2020

    Dr. Ding is extremely knowledgeable, professional and empathetic.

    Irene MacMillan

    25 June 2021

    I found Dr. Ding to be professional, knowledgeable, and caring.

    Angela Grant

    30 June 2023

    This week my Dad finally got diagnoses with Alzheimer’s by a different Neurologist. I saw Dr Joy Ding in 2019 or early 2020 loosely with my dad and she told me, my dad “didn’t have a memory problem. It’s not that he doesn’t remember, it’s that he doesn’t care.” My dad has dislocated his finger and asked me what to do to make it stop hurting hours later just as one example – that’s not because he didn’t care. Her condescending attitude was very damaging to me. With her it didn’t seem like health care, it seemed more like health condescending. This diagnosis and new supportive neurologist has made me recognize how damaging my experience with her was. I don’t think she gets how hard being a care giver with no recognition or pay for the last decade has been. Hopefully my feedback can remind her to have some compassion and show support to her patients and patients family in the future.

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