Dr Julie Poulin

Dr Julie Poulin

Dr Julie Poulin is a Family Doctor, GP. Dr Julie Poulin practices at NEOMO Medical in Sudbury, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English, French. Dr Julie Poulin has 287 views and 2 reviews. According to 1 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 1.00 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name NEOMO Medical
  • Address NEOMO Medical, 885 Prete Street, Sudbury ON P3E 3X9
  • Practice name
  • Address Pioneer Manor, 960 Notre Dame Avenue, Sudbury ON P3A 2T4, Canada

2 reviews of “Dr Julie Poulin”


    19 March 2023

    Terrible doctor, refuses to listen to what you have going on, “has no time” for her patients even during booked appointments. Enjoys cutting you off while you speak. And everything you say she will follow up with an annoying “riight”. Has no respect for patients with mental illness

    Susan Heale

    11 September 2023

    This doctor is terrible, egotistical, arrogant, rude, uncaring, she won’t listen, insulting ( she even criticized the family doctor I had for 30 years who retired) I complained and she told me I didn’t have to stay and be apart of the clinic if I wasn’t happy. I was there because I am not feeling well and needed some help and I called to see my Doctor was told to go to the walk in clinic? Really really terrible experience, sad too because I just want to feel better.

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