Dr Katie Marchington

Dr Katie Marchington

Dr Katie Marchington is a Palliative Medicine Specialist. Dr Katie Marchington practices in Mississauga, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Katie Marchington has 258 views and 1 review. According to 1 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 1.00 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 2200 Eglinton Ave W, Mississauga ON L5M 2N1

One review of “Dr Katie Marchington”


    9 June 2022

    My dad got diagnosed with cancer & stayed at credit valley. All she talked about is death, she literally came and said you know dialysis won’t help prolonge his life, even though he felt so much better with it. And all she kept doing is increasing the pain meds to a point where he was basically unconscious. All she really wanted was for him to stop all treatment and die bc to her everything was pointless. Awful absolutely awful doctor with no empathy for her patients. I guess bc they’re end of life doctors and know ppl are gonna die so their attitude is who cares?? No!! That’s still someone’s dad, husband, grandfather, brother etc I was absolutely appalled at her attitude, how is a person supposed to have any positivity left when the doctor comes in constantly reminding him he’s gonna die?? We get it!! Wonder how she would feel if that was her father!!! In fact I’ll be calling her in to the physicians college of Ontario bc she is an unacceptable doctor!!!

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