Dr Kristine Pederson

Dr Kristine Pederson

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  • Gender Female


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  • Address Associate Family Physicians Clinic, 262 - 2nd Avenue NE, Swift Current S9H 2C8

One review of “Dr Kristine Pederson”


    8 April 2023

    I left the hospital today crying she is so rude and cold I am in serious pain she did nothing after I told her there is something really wrong ..and scared bc of what I am feeling with covid and an ear and sinus infection .. after a week of this it has gotten worse she told me she is not a miracle worker and talking to me like I was dirt… I am a single mother and do not go to the hospital unless it is serious .. I am home now wondering how I will get through this pain or this in general and hope to god Dr Pederson never gets to treat another patient this way .. I will never seek medical attention in swift Current again and pray that people start reporting these doctors that are anything but there to help. I don’t know how you sleep at night … I know this is not all doctors and thank god for that … but she is by far the worse I have ever encountered and if a miracle does occur and I get over this … it will be pursued … we are human beings and this is who we entrust our lives too…. Not acceptable

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