Dr Laura Kennedy

Dr Laura Kennedy

Dr Laura Kennedy is a Psychiatrist. Dr Laura Kennedy practices at C A M H in Toronto, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Laura Kennedy has 278 views and 1 review. According to 2 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 5.00 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name C A M H
  • Address C A M H, 250 College St, Toronto ON M5G 2C4

One review of “Dr Laura Kennedy”


    13 June 2021

    Dr. Laura is the most compassionate caring doctor. My family and I have felt lost in the system and left behind. My brother suffers from bipolar and had fallen through the cracks. That is until Laura became part of his treatment team. Dr. Laura always treated my brother, and our entire family respectfully. As a direct result of Laura’s work ethic and commitment to patient success outcomes my brother is now re enrolled as a full time student and doing well in his university courses. A smart, diplomatic psychiatrist. We feel incredibly fortunate to have met her. She truly saved my brother’s life. Thank you Dr. Laura.

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