Dr Leon Van Der Watt

Dr Leon Van Der Watt

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  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address 3106 Gibbins Rd, Duncan, BC, V9L 1E8, Canada
  • Practice name
  • Address 325 1120 Shawnigan Mill Bay Rd, Mill Bay, BC

3 reviews of “Dr Leon Van Der Watt”

    Beatrice Brandson

    17 December 2021

    I had my right knee replaced by Dr. Van Der Watt. Could not be happier with the result. He is a very good surgeon.

    Clinton Drew Carruthers

    26 February 2022

    This is day 2 after Dr.Van der Watt performed hip replacement surgery on my left hip. I’m feeling very good considering. I would like to thank Dr.Van der Watt along with his team of doctors and wonderful nurses. They have all been totally amazing and truly professional ❤🐧

    Dr Martin Randle

    1 January 2023

    Remarkable, highly skilled, knowledgable, personable surgeon.
    Performed exacting trimalleolar surgery on my left leg. Superb communicator.
    Thank goodness we have him and his skills in the Cowichan Valley

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