Dr Li Hao Chen

Dr Li Hao Chen

Dr Li Hao Chen is a Family Doctor, GP. Dr Li Hao Chen practices at Oshawa Clinic, 3F in Oshawa, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Li Hao Chen has 570 views and 2 reviews. According to 7 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.29 out of 5.
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  • Practice name Oshawa Clinic, 3F
  • Address Oshawa Clinic, 3F, 117 King Street East, Canada, Oshawa ON L1H 1B9

2 reviews of “Dr Li Hao Chen”


    10 February 2022

    I had bronchitis from a chest cold for several weeks making it hard to breathe at times and Dr. Chen looked after it right away and in a couple of days I started to breathe more normal then I had in weeks


    29 August 2022

    Dr. Chen became mine and my family’s doctor after Dr. Young retired…. and I couldn’t be more pleased! He actually sits and takes time with you, seems very caring. My daughter took my granddaughter to see him and he called my daughter at night after hours to see how she was doing! You very rarely see doctors do this anymore!

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