Dr Margaret Gordon

Dr Margaret Gordon

Dr Margaret Gordon is a General Surgeon. Dr Margaret Gordon practices at Oakville Trafalgar in Oakville, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Margaret Gordon has 202 views and 1 review. According to 1 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 5.00 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name Oakville Trafalgar
  • Address Oakville Trafalgar, Memorial Hospital, 3001 Hospital Gate, Oakville ON L6M 0L8

One review of “Dr Margaret Gordon”

    Dave MacRae

    22 July 2022

    I met Dr. Margaret Gordon in Oakville Trafalgar ER. She’s a kind professional that’s speaks plainly, is easy to talk with and gets things done. I ended up requiring urgent surgery. Within 5 days, in which she kept in touch with me 4 of the 5 days, Dr. Gordon and her all girl team (they introduced themselves and walked me thru pre-op) operated without any complications. The surgery went well and I’m back at 100%. She is definitely my #1 Doctor.
    I’d also like to acknowledge the OT Nurses, Doctors and staff that whisked me thru ER and within an hour and 45 minutes I had seen three doctors, been diagnosed and signed up for surgery. I know many people complain about ER waiting times with our overburdened healthcare system, but we should also acknowledge when it works well.
    Thank you again Dr. Gordon and staff.

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