Dr Mark Voysey

Dr Mark Voysey

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  • Address 250 College Street, Toronto ON M5G 2E2
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  • Address 2180 County Road 3, Carrying place, Belleville ON K0K 1L3, Canada

One review of “Dr Mark Voysey”

    An angry patient

    22 December 2022

    I saw this doctor for over 10 years. It was brutal. I was forced to see him to control my “emotions”. But with medication! He was obsessed with bmi. He made me think I was 300 pounds because I was 130 or 135 instead of 120. He would talk for hours about random stuff. Causing the bill to be 500$ everytime. He never talked directly to me. Just my parents. Never asked what I wanted. Just forced all these meds on me because I was under 18 and couldn’t say no. I felt like a zombie going through life from 10-21 when I finally stopped taking meds. And seeing this horrible doctor. He denied me acne medication because I might be sexually active and not get an abortion even though I’ve been adamant about being childfree since I was 15 and was an antisocial child who wasn’t Interested in boys. The doctor never asked me how I felt about anything. My father was my trigger for most of my mood related episodes and he would conveniently leave that out to put me on more meds. People can have emotions. Did you know that MARK? I’ve been handling my bipolar II better than I ever did on meds. I’ve learned to socialize, learn my emotions and my coping mechanisms. You did nothing. You probably still do nothing for other people. Also, thanks for giving me way too much lithium to the point I almost died of kidney failure. And I had to be put into a rehab for kids after being in the hospital and a coma for months. You’re really something.

    One thing you said to me still sticks with me. “it’s better to have quality life over quantity” no. You just wanted me to be on meds to make me bearable for everyone else. Kick rocks old man.

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