- Gender Male
About Dr Mattheus Maree
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Practice in Innisfail, AB
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- Address 4804 50 St, Innisfail, Alberta, Canada, T4G 1C2
- City Innisfail, AB
- Province Alberta
• 20 November 2023If this guy is on call at the ER when you arrive, go elsewhere!
Absolutely appalling bed side manner, did not even introduce himself before he started projecting condescending comments in an urgent situation. He had very little knowledge of anything related to my husband’s situation, did not try to understand the problems or 3-year history and asked some ridiculous questions that immediately made us question his abilities. He ordered a follow up Xray, Blood Work and Urine Tests to compare to the other doctors from 2 days prior. Had one look at the Xray and Blood work and released my husband even though he has paralytic intestinal blockage (proven two days prior in another ER) Told us the blood work was normal and nothing was wrong with him. We could see the Urine Test was not even sent to the Lab as it was still on the counter in the bathroom. Why order tests if you are not going to check the results? He said the Red Deer Hospital would be calling the next day for a CT scan. We waited until noon as this was urgent and called the RD Hospital. There was no urgency on the CT and a call for an appt was not received until 5 days later. Unacceptable as this was urgent and potentially life threatening. In the meantime, we had gone elsewhere and received the Emerg CT, now booked for surgeries and involved with a GI Specialist.
Word of advice Dr Maree. Check all history before making a judgment on a scenario, stop assuming you know best.
Thanks for wasting our time with your ignorance and arrogance. Also, please buy some snickers bars for the miserable RN assisting you.