Dr Meranda Nakhla

Dr Meranda Nakhla

Dr Meranda Nakhla is a Pediatrician, Endocrinologist. Dr Meranda Nakhla practices at The Montreal Children's Hospital in Montreal, QC. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Meranda Nakhla has 161 views and 1 review. According to 1 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 1.00 out of 5.
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  • Practice name The Montreal Children's Hospital
  • Address 1001 Boulevard Decarie, Montreal, QC H4A 3J1

One review of “Dr Meranda Nakhla”


    8 November 2020

    Long story short, during an appointment for my son she noted that his meds needed some adjustments. I had no clue it had to be changed so soon and blamed me for it yet it was her responsibility to call us and notify us for a blood test prior to that appointment. She made me feel terrible that she even had the audacity to say “did I make you feel bad ? Good” someone pls tell me why she deserves to get a 5 star rating with that kind of treatment . I hope she reads this , because Meranda you made me feel like a shitty mother let alone and shitty one to a special needs child . I also hope no one gets that kind of care .

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