Dr Neena Bali

Dr Neena Bali

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  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
  • Address Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, 1145 Carling Avenue, Ottawa ON K1Z 7K4

One review of “Dr Neena Bali”

    Rishi Talwar

    28 April 2021

    Dr. Bali is a very mean and nasty person. She does not even hear what her patients have to say before she aggressively cuts them off and treats them as if they are lying. She has no etiquettes as she starts dominating patients right from the very first session and does not even introduce herself when she meets a patient for the very first time; nor does she explain the nature or the scope of the treatment or respect patients wishes with respect to treatment even when her patients are fully capable in making there treatment decisions and do not have a substitute decision maker and are not on a community treatment order. Dr. Bali is very belligerent and bellicose as she turns everything into a battle instead of providing collaborative treatment. She meddles into aspects of patients life that are not medically related such as finances and house work and tries to dictate what she feels needs to happen in those areas, and if she does not get her way or if a patient does not do what she says, she starts to yell and threaten her patients, telling them that she will have them put to the street if they don’t do what she says. She tries to ruin family relationships by lying to family members about what patients say about them, and she does this by talking to patients family members without the patient’s consent. She interrogates all of the patient’s finances and tries to use undue influence by telling her patients that they need to sign power of attorney forms. She also tries to get patients to give aways their personal assets. She comes to conclusions about patients’ mental health situation without even doing an independent assessment and trying to ascertain what is going on in a patient’s life. She will evade responsibility and accountability for her unbecoming, abusive, brash, overbearing, dominneering, bullying and rude conduct by omitting significant detailis about what transipires in her sessions in her notes. This bully should not be aloud to treat vulnerable patients. She will take advantage of them, ruin their lives and exert such social control over them as to completely divest them of all of their autonomy.

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