Dr Patrick Phillips is a Family Doctor, GP. Dr Patrick Phillips practices at Englehart & District Hospital in Englehart, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Patrick Phillips has 2,383 views and 18 reviews. According to 37 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.16 out of 5.
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  • Practice name Englehart & District Hospital
  • Address Englehart & District Hospital, 61 5th St, Englehart ON P0J 1H0

18 reviews of “Dr Patrick Phillips”

    Glen Souith

    18 June 2021

    Great doctor really know his field of medicine. Full of facts and follows the science.

    David DAVEY

    18 June 2021

    Great doctor!


    28 September 2021

    Dear Dr Philips, I am noticing your tremendous courage and integrity. You wont be deceived by your patients or other human beings with at least with two still working neurones. Felicitations! Mario from Bolivia.


    28 September 2021

    Appreciate your stand against orchestrated tyrany and for being the real doctor who supports patient’s right of informed consent. It would be great to have you as a family doctor later in future. Wishing you all the best Peter Brodzikowski Owen Sound

    Margie Abbott

    29 September 2021

    I wish I could have you as my doctor. Keep up the good work. Science is NOT group think

    Kim Brown

    5 October 2021

    I do not know you, but I definitely stand behind you. I give you credit for standing up for what is right and what you truly believe. Thanks for telling what you know about the effects of this vax. You should be proud that you have morals and ethics, trying to protect your patients. I wish other doctors would stand up for there patients and people rights. Please protect the children, before they start injecting them. Thanks and God Bless You


    9 November 2021

    Dear Dr. Phillips, I have heard of your voice calling in the wilderness of Ontario, Canada. Your courage and determination to speak the truth is commendable and will be validated by God. I will be continually prayed the Lord will protect you, your family and your voice of truth. Please remember “The Truth Will Set You Free!”

    Thank you again for your love of people and your valor.

    S. Thompson

    28 December 2021

    Dr. Phillips is an extraordinary Physician. The care he delivers, his knowledge and evidence based practice and compassion to all patients is amazing.
    Thank you for your care!


    7 January 2022

    Keep at it, Dr. Phillips! Don’t give up! You have tens of thousands of supporters in Ontario. Dig your heals in, we are all in for a l-o-n-g haul against the infiltration of bad actors within our Canadian medical and health care systems. We are supportive of all your efforts to fight those fake charges against you by corrupt officials! Cheers!

    Wendy Noble

    12 January 2022

    Congratulations on defying mainstream media. I have known for a long time that Ivermectin was anti-viral and prophylactic, and the answer world-wide to the Pandemic, and so have countless people who are speaking out or responding to doctors who risk their jobs in their attempts to disseminate the truth. Like you and Dr. Bridle, I also do not recognize my country anymore. Mainstream media is dystopian, at least where Covid-19 news is concerned. For the media to attempt to conceaI the shocking news about the vaccines is horrendous. Bless you for your courage.

    Dan Gillespy

    18 January 2022

    Avoid this Doctor he is spreading misinformation on the horrible COVID-19 pandemic which is very reckless and inappropriate and it puts the whole community at deadly risk.

    Elizabeth M Prescott

    10 March 2022

    I am not a patient nor do I know you Dr. Philips, but I have followed your brutal demonization throughout COVID. There are many that stand behind you and I am one of them. I support you, Dr. Zelenko, FLCCC, Dr. McCullogh, Dr. Byram Bridle and many more. Thank you for your courage! I am extremely thankful for you courageous doctors.

    Ron Snobelen

    13 April 2022

    Thank you for your courage and being willing to suffer LOSS.
    Integrity is found in you.
    There should be an underground medicsl assembly started if not already happening.
    The ’emergency’ injection agenda is criminal.
    The prevention of any grassroots early treatment protocols from developing from licensed medical professionals experience is criminal.
    my best to you.

    Brian King

    5 May 2022

    I support you Dr. Phillips. You’re a hero to many people. The entire College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario should be tried in court for crimes against humanity for NOT allowing EARLY treatments for a covid infection with a 60 year old FDA approved out of patent, cheap effective repurposed drug. EVERY single one of them. Every doctor knows early treatment for an infection is critical for a fast recovery, yet they’re telling people with covid symptoms to stay at home, self isolate and go to hospital when you can’t breathe. The medical oath is “Do No Harm” and Canada’s medical associations are doing harm by doing NOTHING.

    Dee C. Burns

    5 May 2022

    Saddest part is his city is now left w/ woke doctors who won’t stand up for their patients. It’s so disgraceful that a doctor who has integrity, courage & knowledge about his practice is hung out to dry. The College has an F for a grade, as they are bought & paid to discourage dissent about these lethal jabs, about the efficacy of alternative, already available, affordable & very low risk remedies. Sadly, money rules, and those who won’t be bought are breaking all the rules meant to keep us safe. And if one tries to report a bad doc who insists on jabbing, or won’t treat the unquaxxed, they of course take that monster’s side for doing right by his patients, rather than helping fill Big Pharma’s coffers, and funeral homes’ graves.


    6 May 2022

    Dr. Phillips you are a true hero!!! I remember seeing you on Derek Sloan’s CPAC meeting last year with Dr. Bridle. I have a lot of respect for you and other doctors who take their “Do no Harm” oath seriously. People should be asking why the CPSO is not allowing doctors to administer to their patients and provide information for informed consent…..people should be asking to see the gene therapy inserts in the various jabs to see they are blank…hmmm….Why is that? What are they hiding? Why are there 12 pages of adverse effects on Pfizer’s recently released documents? Why are doctors being told not to complete VAERS reports? Why aren’t doctors and scientists allowed to ask questions and make statements that don’t fit the narrative? Why won’t the Canadian Health Ministers debate Dr. Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Hodkinson, Dr. Daniel Nagase when requested numerous times? These doctors are all highly credentialed and specialists in their fields, no chance of misinformation there….The people who should be of concern are those peddling the “snake oil” , Gates, et al….You have a special place in Heaven and I pray that Karma catches up with all those who have blood on their hands, especially those who are complicit on crimes against humanity (oh yes, I forgot to mention an increase of 82% miscarriage rates in pregnant women).

    Janet Wood

    14 May 2022

    Dr. Phillips is a kind caring doctor! Englehart has let a gem slip from their hands.

    Robert Hakker

    15 November 2022

    Anyone have a phone # for Dr. Phillips or similar in Southern Ontario? My friend is quite sick and scared of “brainwashed” doctors. Robert Hakker 5193596118

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