Dr Ravin Bastiampillai

Dr Ravin Bastiampillai

Dr Ravin Bastiampillai is a Urologist. Dr Ravin Bastiampillai practices in Red Deer, AB. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Ravin Bastiampillai has 3,407 views and 9 reviews. According to 24 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.92 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 3947 50A Ave, 208, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, T4N 6V7

9 reviews of “Dr Ravin Bastiampillai”

    David Moores

    9 February 2021

    A kind and caring Doctor, great bedside manner, carried out an emergency cystoscopy for me at Red Deer Hospital, very likeable and reassuring.

    Gord Hickey

    11 February 2021

    An excellent doctor. Great bedside manner & very thorough in explanation of the surgery. Follow up was excellent as well. Would highly recommend him.


    25 May 2021

    Excellent urologist and a wonderful person! I had a TURP operation 21 days ago and everything is working out extremely well.
    I highly recommend this urologist!

    Phil Engele

    16 September 2021

    The Best Urologist in Red Deer. He has removed cancer from my bladder twice within the last year, both without complications.

    Brian Yurkemik

    11 February 2022

    I was greeted at this clinic by a very friendly and caring receptionist named Ashley. I then met with Dr. Bastiampillai, another caring individual. Both of them were each outstanding. I can’t say enough positive things about my visit to this clinic. It made my situation pleasant, to say the least. Top-notch professionals. I would recommend this place 100%

    Linda La Grange

    16 March 2022

    My husband had a first visit with Dr. Bastiampillai today for a cystoscopy. He is a very caring, concerned doctor. Would recommend him to anyone.


    25 February 2023

    Dr. Bastiampillai operated in July 2022 on myself for an emergency bladder cancer tumor and has been treating me since then. Excellent surgeon, good follow up and pays attention to what I say. Very reassuring and competent and experienced in urology diagnosis and treatment. Thanks

    Dennis Walker

    29 May 2023

    One of the best doctors that I have ever had and I have had many.Kind,caring,explains everything thoughtfully and makes sure you understand everything.Fantastic bedside manner,great personality and most of all he really cares

    David Vince

    17 February 2024

    I was extremely fortunate to have Dr. Ravin Bastiampillai as my urologist and surgeon. I had aggressive prostrate cancer. His diagnosis and extremely thorough testing no doubt saved my life. He removed the prostrate and tumour September 12th, 2023. There were some complications however his skill as a surgeon is outstanding. Dr. Bastiampillai is a very caring and understanding surgeon. He explained everything and his assistant Ashely was in constant contact with me for follow-up testing and consultations. Excellent Doctor, highly respected and recommended.

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