Dr Rohit Nagar

Dr Rohit Nagar

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  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name Nixon Medical Centre
  • Address Nixon Medical Centre, 510 Southdale Road East, Suite 301, London ON N6E 0B2
  • Practice name London Health Sciences Center
  • Address London Health Sciences Center, Department of Pediatrics, 800 Commissioners Road East, London ON N6A 5W9, Canada

One review of “Dr Rohit Nagar”

    Melisa Daniel

    12 January 2024

    I wasn’t sure about Dr. Rohit Nagar at first as he seemed to come across a bit harsh at times but as I continued with him as my daughter’s pediatrician I realized that he takes his role as a Doctor very seriously & I really appreciate that because as a mother I want my daughter to have the best care & Doctor Nagar definitely provides that. He is very thorough & particular about ruling things out before jumping to conclusions. I really appreciate Dr. Nagar & am at ease knowing that my daughter has a pediatrician thar takes his job & the care of his clients very seriously.

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