Dr Ross Davidson is a Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation Specialist. Dr Ross Davidson practices in Nanaimo, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Ross Davidson has 1,449 views and 2 reviews. According to 4 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.25 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 502-1515 Dufferin Cres, Nanaimo, BC, V9S 5H6, Canada

2 reviews of “Dr Ross Davidson”


    16 November 2023

    I had a good experience when I saw Dr.Davidson.

    Pleasant personality and professionalism is how I felt in my visit

    My visit went well – my movements, strength and reflexes were tested and I was than hooked up and had EMG’s. The experience was way easier and more comfortable than I was thinking. You start off wearing these patches that emit a shock and contract the muscles in increments, I’d compare it similar to turning up the volume but in zaps/flickers if that makes sense not painful at all so don’t overthink it and get worked up it is very tolerable.

    The next part was probably the part I was most concerned was the needles in the muscles in this type of EMG. Again this was no problem – the needles are tiny and don’t go too deep you really don’t seem to notice them at all at least I didn’t – you then flex your muscles or hold position against some resistance, it was interesting it seemed to be the harder I flexed the stronger the sound of static was emitted by the machine. I was laying on my side facing the wall so I didn’t even get to see the needles.

    All in all a positive experience – thank you Dr. Davidson and Lisa for your help.

    Sheri griffn

    18 February 2024

    Dr. Davidson has been on. Of doctors that seen. Me through my. On going. Mvi and. Due to his medical. Practice. I. Learn to. Walk. And. Deal. With. The medical. Issues. In I’m. Ankle. And foot.. i am. Greatful. To have. Him on my team

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