Dr Sameh Hassan

Dr Sameh Hassan

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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 301-586 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto ON M4P 1P2

One review of “Dr Sameh Hassan”

    Kyla Lonsdale

    28 April 2022

    Dr. Hassan ignored me when I came forward to him about child abuse that I had suffered and was suffering. I was 10 years old at the time. I was a crown ward of the government of Ontario. This abuse would continue for another eight years. All survivors of child abuse should be believed, but to put into perspective how severe the child abuse that I suffered was. I was eventually rescued by the FBI. I was still a child at the time. That is the only thing that stopped the abuse. Dr. Hassan also treated one of my biological family members after he had treated me for two years. This biological family member was one of my abusers. Thirty years later he is still treating this person. This made me believe for thirty years that I was responsible for the abuse that I had suffered. It is unethical to treat members of the same family. Especially when one of the patients is a vulnerable child living in government care. When I brought my concerns to Dr. Hassan again three years ago he again minimize the child abuse that I suffered and his contributions to the negligence in my case. I would like to take Dr. Hassan to court, but because of Canadian law that is unlikely to happen. So the only way that I can protect the public is to make my case transparent. Please do not bring vulnerable people to this Dr. Hassan. Especially children. My name is Kyla Lonsdale. I was telling the truth thirty years ago and I am telling the truth now.

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