Dr Sara Hulliger

Dr Sara Hulliger

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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 205- 3301- 24th Avenue, Vernon, BC, V1T 9S8

One review of “Dr Sara Hulliger”

    August Laurens

    19 October 2020

    This Doctor has been in charge of the health of my wife nd so far she did good. However, her office staff has some major arrogance issues. The Doctor herself had advised us to immediately contact her directly if there were any issues. Today we called and the receptionist had an attitude (As if she was the medical specialist herself…) and refused to help us saying we first need to contact our family doctor. I guess we do not have an alternative, as doctors can get away with anything. Yet, we now are looking at 2 months longer waiting times because our family doctor is busy as well. In the meantime, my wife’s health is jeopardized thanks to this receptionist.

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