Dr Sarah Walsh

Dr Sarah Walsh

Dr Sarah Walsh is a Neurologist. Dr Sarah Walsh practices in Ottawa, ON and Queensway Carleton Hospital in Ottawa, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Sarah Walsh has 1,589 views and 2 reviews. According to 3 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 5.00 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name
  • Address Suite 406, 1 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa ON K2G 6E5
  • Practice name Queensway Carleton Hospital
  • Address Queensway Carleton Hospital, 3045 Baseline Road, Ottawa ON K2H 8P4, Canada

2 reviews of “Dr Sarah Walsh”

    Diane Louise Hale

    8 November 2021

    I haven’t met her nor will I. For over a decade, I was followed by Dr. Rabinovitch. Very pleasant. Like everyone else, he had his bad days and good days. Dr. Rabinovitch put me on medication for seizure episode and other things which worked very well for me. I wasn’t aware he was retiring and needed a refill. the last time I saw him he told me to keep taking the meds and if there’s any questions to call and make an appointment to see him. Well, a few months ago I needed a refill, called the office and I was refused. According to his replacement, I don’t need to see her/him as according to them I am doing great because I didn’t see Dr. Rabinovitch for months. Now they tell me to see my family doctor, well she is retiring as well and next is walk in clinics to get refills. THE REASON I DIDN’T SEE THE NEED TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH DR. RABINOVITCH IS BECAUSE THE MEDICATIONS ARE WORKING . I didn’t think I needed to see him to tell him I was doing ok. Now I have no one to give me refills. This not the kind of medication to get in a walk in clinic especially when they don’t know my medical history. Finding a GOOD doctor now a days is very difficult.


    11 January 2024

    Sorry you went through this dismissive response from the medical profession. Maybe Dr. Rabinovich didn’t make arrangements with the replacement doctor to see his patients? However, I believe if you have medication bottle with the name of the drug and show it to a your pharmacist or a new doctor that it should be enough to get a refill prescription. Also, a clinic doctor with any wear will all should be able to refer you to a specialist. You might also call Health Connect Ontario to be placed on a list for patients seeking a new GP. It’s how I found a new doctor. Tell them your situation. It might help. Best of luck.

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